Monday, January 14, 2008

"Powerful New Software Let's You Peek Under The Hood Of Any Business You Please To Swipe Their Top Performing Affiliates!"

"Powerful New Software Let's You Peek Under The Hood Of Any Business You Please To Swipe Their Top Performing Affiliates!"

In Under 3 Minutes, Discover And Ethically 'Copy' The Entire Marketing Strategy Of ANY Online Business! You'll know exactly which keywords are making them sales. You'll be able to see their highest converting web pages. And you'll even snag a list of ALL of their best affiliates.

If you're ready to explode your online business then please read this VERY important letter for all the exciting details...

From: Brad Callen
Indianapolis, IN
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Dear Friend and Internet Entrepreneur,

I don't think it's any secret that the most successful online business owners have their affiliates to thank for that.

These guys with their armies of marketers pushing their products to anyone who'll listen... yes, there is no doubt that this kind of "help" can lead to explosive sales and profits.

Imagine for a moment if you could peek in these big time maketers' rolodexes and snag the personal details of all of their top earning affiliates, so that you could put their affiliates on YOUR team, selling YOUR products for you.

Think that would take your business to another level entirely? You're right. It would.

But, aside from doing something illegal, you could never pry those rolodexes out of their hands, as they are guarded like Fort Knox.

Until now that is... yes... what was once impossible is now easily achieved. And what I am about to share with you could have a bigger impact on your business than anything else you have ever seen online.

More in a moment... but first...

Who am I and why should you listen to me?

My name is Brad Callen. You may know who I am already and were referred to this site by someone that already owns and is benefiting from the product I'm about to tell you about.

But, for those of you that don't know who in the world I am and wonder why the heck you should believe and trust what I'm saying, let me prove to you that I'm one of the "good guys" that you should get to know, like, and trust.

First, let me preface by saying that I don't like talking about myself, my earnings, and what I've been able to achieve online, simply because it typically comes off as "bragging", but, because of the many dishonest people out there these days, providing solid proof of income claims is critical as we near the end of 2007. (Sad, but true)

Anyway, just know that I don't say this to brag, by any means. I say it only to provide proof that I do know a thing or two about making money online.

On to the proof...

1. I've been marketing online since early 2000 and am consistently bringing in bi-weekly pay checks like the one shown below. (I know that check probably seems unrealistic to you right now, but trust me, if I can do it, anyone can... and I know you've probably heard that before too, but it's honestly so true.)

2. I am the creator of 3 of the top 4 products of all time. For those that don't know, is the world's leader in digital, downloadable products. There are roughly 25,000 products being sold in the Clickbank marketplace to date, and I am the creator and owner of 3 of the top 4 products in the entire marketplace.

That should speak wonders about the quality of products that we provide. It's the creation of great software products that I enjoy, rather than the actual selling of the product.

Most of our sales come directly from "word of mouth" referrals. I pay very little for advertising and let our thousands of happy users tell their friends about us...

I believe very strongly in giving, giving, and giving some more and it will come back to you ten fold.

3. I'm 28 years old and I actually have the choice to not purchase things like fancy cars, jets, and big bayline cruisers. Instead, my wife and I are able to give freely to charities and organizations that we believe strongly in. Anyone that knows me will tell you it's just not my personality to purchase random things for the sole purpose of saying, "Hey, look at me and my latest toy. Aren't I cool..." To me, that is NOT cool. What is "cool" is helping others that need to be helped.

4. I've been debt free since the age of 26 and that includes owning the home of our dreams, both of our 2007 automobiles, paying off our college debt, and whatever else I can't think of off the top of my head.

I wake up at 9am each morning, again... by choice, and am able to work from my home office as much or as little as I want each day.

My home office - A whopping 20 steps from my bed :-)

And if that's not enough "real-world" proof that I'm one of the guys you can and should trust, feel free to stop by one of the Elite forums (Affiliate Elite, Keyword Elite, SEO Elite) and say hi. I frequent those forums daily to both help and just mingle with our users and would be happy to meet you.

Ok, enough of the introduction, let's get back to the point at hand, as I said very briefly above...

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